Wednesday, January 14, 2009

January Blues...

Happy New Year! There is nothing better than flipping the calendar, and starting a fresh new year! Ok, let me ask you, how many of you took down your Christmas decorations, and forgot where things went? Does it feel a little bare? And I don’t know about you, but after 2 seasons of decorating, I’m kinda in a slump. And then, there is question, how or what do I decorate with? It's too early for spring, not quite Valentines what to do?

Personally I love white! Yes, I know, it's really not a color, but it always seems fresh and new, and CLEAN! If you just can't live without color, red and blues always will do!

Adding things to your decor like little hints of spring...lemons, limes, greenery, etc., always adds a pop of freshness, and life to the duldrums of winter.

We also have our NEW Spring Southern Living at HOME catalog with tons of ideas as well! Feel free to check out my website and view the online catalog! I would love to LIVE in the rooms of these pages!! :)

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